Signs of a Leaky Basement

A leaky basement can cause huge and expensive problems for the homeowners if left untreated for long time. But to treat is well in time you must know how to recognise that your basement is leaky. You can recognise this problem with the help of certain signs, briefly discussed here under.

Excessive condensation: The presence of excessive water around the walls and floor of your basement can usually cause problems of excessive condensation and musty smell. Though condensation in basement is not an undoubted proof of leaky basement still it can cause severe problems for your building. You should first of all try to stop the occurrence of excessive condensation as it can increase the growth of molds and mildews which can be harmful for you and your family along with the structure of your building.

Wet floors: Your basement may have wet floor throughout the year if water is leaking into it. It can provide awful smell not only in the basement but also in your entire building. Wet floors of your basement can become breeding ground for mildews and molds along with weakening the foundation of entire house. A weak foundation can be dangerous for the entire structure of the building as it will not be able to bear its load.

Efflorescence: The concentration of white powdery substance on the internal surfaces of your basement is also a clear sign of water leakage in it. But sometimes this problem does not become obvious even for several years. When water travels through or over the floor of the basement then it can cause efflorescence due to concentration of salts dissolved in the water, after evaporation of water on the concrete surfaces. This problem can be eliminated by reducing the amount of moisture and humidity in the basement by using good quality waterproofing material.

Wet walls: If the walls of your basement are wet then it can crack, buckle, bow or fall down if not treated at earliest possible opportunity. A damp basement can be disastrous for the entire building. So you should properly waterproof it every time in the rainy season to prevent the ruining of the foundation of your house. Otherwise water can crack your foundation, increase the growth of mildews and molds and decrease the value of your property.

Poor drainage: If the drainage system of your basement is not working properly even then there can be leakage in your basement as it will not allow you to keep it dry and healthy. Along with damaging your house it can also cause a number of health problems like fevers, headaches etc.

Sump Pump problems: If you experience problem in the working of your sump pump then it is also a clear indication of leakage in your basement. A sump pump should be in functioning condition every time as it is used to eliminate the water from the basements especially in areas where there is consistent risk of water damages. The leakage in basement can also affect the working of sump pump as it can clog it with dirt and debris.

Thus you can recognise the leaky basement through the signs discussed in this write-up.